Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Contemporary Art: Circle of Fire @ NOoSphere, New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - It´s freezing cold in New York City. Maybe a "circle of fire" could warm you up. The gallery NOoSphere on Manhattan´s East Houston Street has a show called: Circle of Fire: Visionary Art from Cold Climes (through March 1, 2015 http://no-in-nyc.org/).

They describe themselves as "an artist-iniated, non-for-profit venue for exhibits, performances and other programmings". The current show contains surrealist paintings by artists from Iran, Denmark, Afghanistan and Norway.

                              Fancyful Play

I enjoy the fanciful play with shapes & colors and the mix of realism and speculative fiction. Some of the works remind me a bit of the Renaissance painters.

       A Night Of Mystery, Laughs And Wonder

Let the pictures speak for themselves.

BTW: For coming Friday, February 20, 7-9pm they anounce a new event, a round of live performance pieces within the context of our ongoing exhibit. The promise: "Fabulous female artists will treat us to a night of mystery, laughs and wonder". ( upcoming)


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