Friday, June 19, 2015

Contemporary Art: Gunshots On Glass - Zha Zhao @ Chambers Fine Art, New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Seven years ago the Chinese artist Zhao Zhao suffered a serious accident where his head hit the windshield of his car. Since then the painter uses this traumatic incident as inspiration for his works which show a fascination with powerful forces and violent impacts.

The gallery Chamberys Fine Art in New York`s classy art district Chelsea (522 West 19th Street, they are also in Beijing  chambers ), which specializes in contemporary Chinese art, has an exhibiton with new works by Zhao Zhao, called "Constellations II" (through August 22, 2015  exhibitions). The show is based on an experiment where guns where used to shoot on glass. The paintings (all oil on canvas) are painstaking reconstructions of what occurred when bullets penetrated glass.

        Powerful Forces And Violent Impacts

According to the press release Zhao Zhao limitted his palette to Prussian blue, Van Dyck brown and white and used brushes that range in scale from the largest available to the smallest consisting only of two or three wolf hairs. I am fascinated by the idea and the masterly skills the artist demonstrates. According to the gallery Zhao Zhao "paints canvases of considerable scale by using a technique appropriate for a miniaturist".

The pics here - shot with a humble Samsun camera - can only give a faint impression. If you can make it, a visit there is highly recommended.


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