Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Contemporary Art: Tell Them Stories @ Mark Miller, New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Painters are often story tellers. Mark Miller Gallery, one of the legion of art sellers on New York´s Lower East Side (92 Orchard Street markmillergallery ),  has a group show, called: "Tell Them Stories: Origins" (through November 1st, 2015). The curators have assembled 18 artists who responded to popular culture and created "commentaries on our times that blur the lines of demarcation present in art world hierarchical standards", says their press release.

I display here my favorites from the show. As usual a very subjective selection. Let the pictures speak for themselves.

On Top of this post you can see "The Arc of the Narrative" by Adam Caldwell  (2015, Oil on canvas).

Above follows the almost "Invisible Woman" by John JacobsMeyer (2004, Oil on canvas)

Peter Drake`s "Parade" (2008, Acrylic on canvas).

"State of the Union"  by John Brosio  (2011, Paper print 16/50 limited edition).


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