Friday, December 2, 2016

Movies: Elle


(Drivebycuriosity) - There are not many women beyond 60 who are really sexy. Isabelle Huppert belongs to them - and she is also one of the best actresses of the world. Paul Verhoeven is an eclectic movie director, his oeuvre embraces very different films like RoboCop, Basic Instinct, Total Recall & Turkish Delight. The French movie "Elle", which is now running in US cinema theaters, is a collaboration by them, which caught my attention (imdb).

The result is a freak show, containing a horror movie, a thriller, a comedy, a family drama, a mystery, a social study and much more. Some of the characters & events are way too demented to be believable. And the 130 minutes are too long. But the movie can be fascinating, thanks to its surprises, how ridiculous they may be.

The plot circles all the time around Isabelle of course. She can still show her acting talents and her magic spell. Elle is certainly a movie for Huppert fans.

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