Saturday, September 28, 2019

Contemporary Art: Kelly Bjork`s Intimate Narrative Paintings @ Nancy Margolis Gallery New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Contemporary artists are not timid. It seems that Kelly Bjork specializes in painting intimate moments. Nancy Margolis Gallery in Mnahattan`s Chelsea district has an exhibition with new works by the artist (through October 26, 2019  nancymargolis). I display my favorites here, a subjective selection as usual. On top of this post you can see "Anima Rising" (2019, gouache, acrylic, wax pastel, & pencil on paper, 22.5 x 30 inches).

Above follow "You belong to you" & "Death + Birth + Death + Birth  + Death + Birth"

"Lift yourself out" & "The Quiet Principal"

To be continued

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