Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Contemporary Art: Muse @ Chart Gallery New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Contemporary artists ain`t timid. You can see that if you visit Chart Gallery in Manhattan´s Tribeca district. There you can find an exhibition with paintings & sculptures by Shona McAndrew, called "Muse" (through 2 November 2019 chart).

The depicted works are "based on the idea of women as muses and owning their surroundings physically, mentally and emotionally", claims the press release. The artist "investigates art history references rooted in paintings from Neoclassicist, Romanticist and Orientalist French male artists from the mid-1800s". And: "Each painting re-enacts well-known stances or incorporates scenes taken from historical paintings". You can read more explanations here ( exhibitions ).

To be continued

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