Thursday, April 23, 2015

Contemporary Art: Discovering Antoni Tàpies In Barcelona


(Drivebycuriosity) - While my visit in Barcelona in the recent days I discovered the works of Antoni Tàpies (1923-2012). The painter, sculptor and art theorist was born in this stunning catalonian metropolis, where he founded the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, a cultural center and museum, which shows his works and also exhibitions of others (fundaciotapies). I have already reported about a fascination show with works by Maria Lassnig (driveby).

I admire especially the elegance of his compositions which remind me of the paintings by his more famous American colleague Cy Twombly.

I start this post with images I have seen @ Fundació Antoni Tàpies. On top of this post you can see the painting "1/2", 2003, Pintura i vernis sobre fusta.


Above follow  "Llinda", 1975, Procediment mixt sobre tela; Metall i ampolla, 1993, Pintura i ssemblatge sobre planxa metàl-lica muntada sobre fusta; Gris, taranja i rosa, 1967, Llinda, 1975, Procediment mixt sobre tela

The city shows more works by her fascinating son of course. At the formidable Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya, the national museum of Catalan visual art (museunacional), I found two more "Tàpies":


Matèria-metall/Matter-Metal, 1993, Mixed procedure and assemblae on wood; Jeroglifics/Hieroglyphics, 1994, mixed procedure on wood

I discovered another painting @ the Fundació Joan Miró (fundaciomiro):

 Painting with clothes hanger, 1985
Painting and collage on wood


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