Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Contemporary Art: Surprise & Provoke @ New York Academy of Art

(Drivebycuriosity) - Contemporary art often wants to surprise and to provoke. You can see this @ New York Academy of Art  (111 Franklin Street  nyaa.edu).

The institute has an exhibition with works of 16 acclaimed sculptors (through March 8, 2015). They claim that these artists explore "the relationship between beauty and abjection through the lens of the grotesque", whatever that means. But anyway, some of the art works are really funny.

Above this paragraph you can see sculptures by Jody Fox. The woman is called "Meermaid" . She is accompanied by figures, named "worm". The group is from 2011 and made from terra cotta and casein.

Lesley Dill called her sculpture "Dress of Opening and Close of Being" (2008, steel, metal foil, organza, thread, wire).

            Soft Landing for Chickenhawks

The marble head above is created by Mark Mennin and part of an installation called: "Soft Landing for Chickenhawks";
"Envy" by Barry X Ball is a hommage to a sculpture by Giusto Le Court( La Invidia, circa 1670, Ca’ Rezzonico, Venice). X Ball`s sculpture is made from Pakistani onyx, stainless steel;
Patricia Piccinini called her installation: "Bodyguard (for the Golden Helmeted Honeyeater) (2004, silicone, fur, acrylic resin, wood, DVD, monitor).

The melting face is created by Richard Dupont (richard);
Rona Pondick fabricated the combination of man and animal, called "Wallaby" (2007-2012, stainless steel);
Monica Cook named her sculture "Snowsuit" (2015, wax, pigment, fur coats, aqua-resin, fiberglass)

Gerhard Demetz called his creation "How Do You Feed Spirits?" (2012, lime wood and acrylic paint)

This post is closed by details of Lesley Dill`s work, named "Rush" (2006-2007, metal foil, organza and wire). Before is a sculpture by Eric Fischl, named "Tumbling Woman II" (2015, glass with steel base).


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