Thursday, December 8, 2016

Movies: Miss Sloane


(Drivebycuriosity) - Gun control or not is a huge issue in the US. The movie "Miss Sloane" focuses on this subject (imdb). A young woman, a shrewd lawyer, bets her career on the fight against the mighty US gun lobby (this is a spoiler free blog. ). 

The story is constructed - with the usual twists & surprises - and displays Hollywood`s view on this matter, but I think the film gives the audience a good impression of the complexity of the gun control controversy. And " Miss Sloane" is cool, slick & fresh.

The plot - and the camera - focus on Jessica Chastain, who incarnates the name-giving "Miss Sloane". This character is the proof that a woman can be very beautiful and at the same time highly smart - and Jessica is the perfect ambassador for this. So, the highly political film is also a feminist statement. I really enjoyed observing her fight and cared about her case. Her acting gets a lot support from the excellent rest of the cast, including John Lithgow. Cinematographer Sebastian Blenkov illustrated the plot with classy pictures of Jessica, Washington DC and the ritzy temples of the lobbyists.

"Miss Sloane" is an entertaining movie about an ongoing political conflict in the US and a treat for fans of Jessica Chastain.

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