Sunday, May 17, 2020

Books: Then Will The Sun Rise Alabaster By Benjanun Sriduangkaew

 (Drivebycuriosity) - Convents are secretive places. What does happen there? It is nobody´s business.  Benjanun Sriduangkaew shares her fantasies about Catholic cloisters in her novella "Then Will The Sun Rise Alabaster" which is published as a Kindle Single (49 pages amazon ). The Internet makes many things possible.

I loved Sriduangkaew`s science fiction novel "And Shall Machines Surrender" (here my review ). "Then Will ..."  is more a lesbian gothic story than scifi, even though the tale seems to happen in a different universe, but the novella is fascinating anyway. The plot follows a young woman who got abducted as a child and it is forced to live in the cloister and to obey the strict rules of the Catholic church and of Mother Superior. But new women arrive at the abbey and things are changing  (this is a spoil free blog).

Sriduangkaew certainly doesn´t love Catholic monasteries. She harshly describes the suppression the leading character and the other miserable "sisters" have to suffer. I did not care much about the simple plot but I enjoyed again the elaborate style and I indulged into Sriduangkaew`s artfully constructed sentences. The title and the great intro - "Morning begins in apocalypse: by accident of location, sunrise on this star comes in like a herald of the great finale, that severance of time, a sky flushing to red and shivering with fire"  - give a taste of it.

I guess some day I will read more by Sriduangkaew.

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