Saturday, July 6, 2024

Books: The Best American Mystery Stories - The First Ten Years

 (Drivebycuriosity) - If we believe the science fiction writer Theodore Sturgeon then "ninety percent of everything is crap". There are indeed so many books which are a waste of time. Therefore I skim short story collections and try to find some gems there - the valuable 10%.

I liked the anthologies "The Best American Mystery Stories" from 2013 and 2015 (here are my reviews: 2013  2015). So I gave another collection of the series a try: "The Best of  the Best American Mystery Stories - The first ten years " ( amazon). But this time I got disappointed.

Apparently the stories were chosen for the literary quality, there is a hostage situation, revenge, adultery and many more evil topics, but not much mystery.

I found 2 tales from 20 ok:

Jeffery Deaver: "The Weekender" is about a cat & mouse game between murderous abducters and their victim

Brendan Dubois: "The Dark Snow". A man, who lives at a remote lake, gets harassed by vicious neighbors. 

I would not call the rest trash, but they don´t belong into a "Mystery" collection.

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