Friday, July 26, 2024

Contemporary Art: Expressionism From Eastern Europe

  (Drivebycuriosity) - Gallery Marc Strauss on Grand Street belongs to the stalwarts of Manhattan´s art scene (marcstraus ). I spotted so many interesting shows there. Recently I enjoyed an exhibition with paintings from Eastern Europe artists, all created after the fall of the wall (exhibitions ). Because there are so many amazing paintings, too many for one blog post, I report in 2 tranches.


This post focuses on art works which seem to me especially expressionist. On top of this post you can see Zsolt Bodoni`s wall filling "100 Years" (2010, acrylic on canvas, 55.1 x 114.2 in (140 x 290.1 cm) followed by 2 details shots. I love the powerful cinematic style of this work. There is so much dynamic in it. According to Wikipedia Bodoni`s art is inspired by the history of Transylvania, where he was born ( wikipedia).


I added images with a similar style, including Daniel Pitrin´s "Ogres" (2009, Oil, acrylic, paper on canvas). According to Artsy the Czech painter "produces large, visually complex paintings, dense with imagery and subtle references to films and canonical works of art" (artsy )


Above Leonardo Silaghi`s massive "Untitled #116205" (2011). This artist is also born in Romania.

Above this paragraph the sinister "Untitled (nr. 63 Church)" ( 2005, acrylic on canvas) by Janos Avotin. The artist lives and works in Riga, Latvia.

To be continued

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