Thursday, May 23, 2024

Art Market: Impressionists & More @ Some Tidbits From Spring Auctions 2024 New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - In the recent two weeks New York´s global auction houses had their huge spring auctions. Besides masses of contemporary works there were also a lot Impressionists and other epochs. Since I focus on contemporary art I display here just some tidbits from the galleries at Christie´s, Sotheby`s & Phillips.

On top of this post you can see my favorite: René Magritte´s "Le Banquet".


At Phillips I discovered this wonderful Monet: "La route de Vétheuil, effet de neige".


I also love "Interior with a Stove" by Vilhelm Hammershøi.


Above follows "Sans Titre" by the Chilean surrelist Matta.


This beauty by Egon Schiele also caught my eyes: "Stehender Akt mit Draperietuch"

Moisle Kisling´s females can easily be recognized by his idiosyncratic style: "Femme à l'écharpe bleue".



Robert Henri´s "Portrait of Sarah Burke" is an eye catcher as well.

Above follows Leonor Fini`s "Le Train".

I couldn`t resist to collect some of the ubiquitous nudes: Max Pechstein`s “Akt Ill, sitzend von vorne (Marta)”  paintings by: Pierra Bonnard:  "Nus’Habillitant" & "Nu de profil, jambe droite levée".


Last but not least Alexander Calder`s “Cornucopia”.


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