Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Art Market: Tidbits From Spring Auctions 2024 @ Phillips New York

  (Drivebycuriosity) - It is the season for the huge spring auctions of the global auction houses in New York City. I already posted about the auction galleries @ Christie`s (here ) and Sotheby`s ( here).  


This post is about the galleries @ Phillips, the number 3 of the global auction hosues. The company has the reputation to be more focused on contemporary works than her bigger competitors and to show more cutting edge art by up-and-coming artists. But they also had some big names. I display here some of my favorites from the exhibition - as usual a very subjective selection.


This post starts with "Washing Line, Early Morning, May" by Caroline Walker, who belongs to my favorite artists because she displays simple motifs in a cinematic way. I discovered her work @ a show in London in 2019 (my post ).


Above another cinematic painting: "It`s Friedrich" by Friedrich Kunath.


I also love Julien Nguyen`s "Point Break".


 Then follow "After Albers (LA Sunset)" by Dominic Chambers;"A Soft Rein" by Shannon Cartier Lucy & "Cake With Thong" by Danielle Orchard


Above follows Dan Collen´s "Mother (Well)". I already blogged about a Dan Collen show at Gagosian ( here). Then you can see "Staten Island Ferry Docking" by Richard Estes.

Salman Toor`s "The Picnic" & Haley Josephs`"May you bloom and grow forever (From a slug in the black forest)"

                          My Place beside her


"Untitled (History painting)" by Korakrit Arunanondchai (denim and inkjet print on canvas).



Sex sells: Issy Wood`s "Study for the Bada Bing"; Eric Fishl`s "Motel" & Jenna Gribbon`s "My Place beside her in bed".



For those who don´t plan to travel to Hong Kong soon, above Jean-Michel Basquiat`s "Untitled (Portrait of Famous Ballplayer)" from 1981. 





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