Sunday, May 12, 2024

Art Market: Tidbits From Spring Auctions 2024 @ Sotheby`s New York

 (Drivebycuriosity) - It is May again - the time for the huge spring auctions of the global auction houses in New York City. I already posted about the auction galleries @ Christie`s (here ).
This post is about the galleries @ Sotheby´s. Quantity & quality of the displayed art works was overwhelming, so I post just a small selection, a very subjective choice as usual.


Above you can see Adrian Ghenie`s violent "Untitled" (2009, acrylic on canvas). What`s happening here?


Like Ghenie, Francis Bacon belongs to my favorites - an acquired taste I have to confess. I needed years to enjoy his work. Above his "Portrait of George Dyer Crouching" (1966, oil on canvas) followed by a photo of the model. I like Bacon`s version better.

                       Sirens & Shipwrecks

I am also a fan of Cecily Brown´s massive murals, which usual depict an orgy or such. Above her "Sirens and Shipwrecks and Bathers and the Band". Yes!


Above this paragraph follow Dana Schutz, one of the up and coming artists, with "Pennsylvania Terrarium" and Katharina Olschbaur with "The higher I ascend, the more humble I become".


Above one of the strange paintings by Genieve Figgis: "Untitled".


                            Cut To Ribbons 


and another strange image, this one is by Christina Quarles, another up and coming artist: "Cut to Ribbons"


Above a typical Lisa Yuskavage painting: "The Mound", followed by Christa Banban`s "La Nina" & Jules De Balincourt`s "They come and get lost".

                     Burnt and Bleached Denim


Above Korakrit Arunandondchai`s "Untitled (History Painting)" (2013, inkjet print on burnt and bleached denim) & Tracey Emin`s "But you never wanted me".


No auction without Andy Warhol. Above "The Last Supper" with greeting from da Vinci.

To be continued

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