Sunday, June 16, 2024

Books: The Rabbit Factor Trilogy By Antti Tuomainen

 (Drivebycuriosity) - Imagine that you are a rational thinker & mathematician. Suddenly you become an owner of a messy adventure park for children, inherited from your late brother, who was quite your opposite. Antti Tuomainen`s trilogy is set in Finland and told in first person. The series starts with the novel "The Rabbit Factor", followed by "The Moose Paradox" and "The Beaver Theory" (amazon ).

The protagonist is a man who`s world is set upside down, who has to adapt to a totally new life. The protagonist has to deal with irrationality, menace & violence. But the novels are also about learning, adapting and growing with one`s challenges. "What doesn`t kill us, will make us stronger", said Nietsche and Darwin added "adapt or perish". The series deals also with issues like economics, management & labor relations

I loved the first 2 books of the series. The protagonist is not only struggling with stubborn and irrational employees, he also gets challenged by vicious criminals. Tuomainen can write and creates intense & beautiful descriptions of situations & environments, spiced  with a dark humor. 

Unfortunately the third book intensifies all the ridicule; villains & cops get even more violent, obnoxious and stupid. And the protagonist seems to soften his rational stance  

I recommend the first 2 books, the third one is just for those who got hooked by the first two.

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