Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Contemporary Art: Nastaran Shahbazi`s Wild Roses @ The Hole New York

 (Drivebycuriosity) - Manhattan´s Bowery is a tourist magnet with plenty of restaurants & bars. But there is at least one ambitious art gallery: 

The Hole ( 


Recently I spotted an amazing show with new paintings by Nastaran Shahbazi (b 1982, Iran), who lives and works in Paris. The show is called "Wild Roses".

Above this paragraph you can see "Nowhere Land" (2024, oil on canvas, 79 x 71 inches, 200 x 180 cm)


I love these expressionist compositions, the wonderful crafted scenes with intense colors. Above follow "Ballroom" (2023, oil on linen ); "The Meal" (2024, oil on canvas) & "Whispering Roses" (2023, oil on canvas).

                      Conquest Of The Garden


Some images could be stills from noir thrillers. Above this paragraph you can see: "A cup of Tea" & "Conquest of the Garden".



Above: "Nowhere Land"; "By the Apple Tree"; "Dejeuneur sur l`Herbe"; "Warm up your Heart", "In the Red Room" & "Sweet Oranges".

To be continued

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