Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Contemporary Art: Flowers Do Cry @ Lyles & King New York

  (Drivebycuriosity) -  Do you like abstracts? Gallery Lyles & King in Manhattan´s Chinatown has now a show with amazing abstract paintings by San Francisco-based artist Hyba Kallache. The exhibition is called "Flowers do cry" (lylesandking). According to the press release Kallache is born in Beirut and these paintings are created in the memory of a huge explosion that happened 2020 in her hometown.



On top of this post you can see "There's a temple in Baalbeck, dedicated to Bacchus" (2023, Ink, oil, and oil bar on canvas
114 x 65 inches, 289.6 x 165.1 cm) followed by "Audible, inaudible" (2023, Ink, oil, and oil bar on canvas).


Above follow "The rain will make its way through your bones" & "Acoustic territories".


Above: "An abnormal elsewhere" &  "Syria has always been the mother of chaos. In the epiphany of a sun to come, breathless".



As a bonus 2 images from a second show at the gallery:
Catalina Ouyang`s "Sphinx Study" (profile) & (rear) (2024, Oil and acrylic on linen). (catalina-ouyang-trick ) ( ).


To be continued

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