Sunday, September 1, 2019

Geopolitics: Vandals At The Gates Of Hong Kong


 (Drivebycuriosity) - The news from Hong Kong are disturbing. Activists attack the airport, vandalize subway stations and block the streets (scmp). They throw stones & Molotov Cocktails (cbsnews ). These actions don´t harm the far away government in Beijing, they harm the citizens of Hong Kong & their visitors. 

Harmless tourists, who have nothing to do with China & her politics, got stranded and endangered. Hong Kong´s economy is suffering, reducing incomes & jobs from normal citizens.


The events in Hong Kong remind of the riots in Hamburg during the  G20 meetings in August 2017. Then also activists - often masked - vandalized the streets, they looted and set fires on buildings and one super-market burned out (cnn). Recently we get similar reports from Paris where activists - called Yellow Vests - loot shops and set them on fire (scmp).

There seems to be a global trend. A certain kind of people, often very young, engages in violent attacks on the society, using politics, climate & environment as excuse for looting & pillaging. 

I am surprised that Beijing shows so much patience so far.

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