Friday, October 15, 2021

Economics: About America`s Degree Inflation


(Drivebycuriosity) - Inflation is back. The price of almost everything is climbing swiftly. Milton Friedman & Co. explained that inflation happens when the supply of money rises faster than the supply of goods & services. Copernicus discovered already in the 16th century when the economy is getting too much money the value of money is shrinking ( wikipedia). Then we can buy less per Dollar.

It seems there is also a inflation of titles and university degrees in the US. The chart above shows that in the US the number of bachelor, master & doctorate degrees each doubled in around 10 years ( Did the number of talents in the US also double? I doubt it, why should this happen? 

It seems that America`s universities are getting more generous and are granting more degrees. The academic generosity may a part of the general wokeness. Maybe the universities want to discriminate less. Maybe they don`t want to separate the wheat from the chaff anymore (or less). Maybe they want to get more popular. "Join us, then you will be doctor soon".  

Anyway the degree inflation reduces the value of the university degrees. If the trend continues university degrees could get worthless.

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