Friday, November 1, 2019

New York City: Halloween 2019 - Strange, Scary & Sexy

(Drivebycuriosity) - Halloween has an old tradition. According to Wikipedia "All Hallows' Eve" (English/Irish) is a Christianized feast initially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals with possible pagan roots (wikipedia). Today the event is a reason to celebrate in the public and many are wearing scary costumes and masks.

Yesterday my wife and I joined New York´s Halloween parade which went in Manhattan along 6th Avenue from Soho to Chelsea. As (almost) everything in the metropolis the procession was huge. There were thousands of participants who seemed to have a lot of fun. The event reminded me of the "Rosenmontagszug" in Köln, the huge carnival parade in Cologne, Germany. but there was a big difference - the Halloween Parade was a 0% tolerance for alcohol event. During the German carnival you can see a lot of alcoholized people instead.

Participating in the parade was fun, especially that the evening was unusually warm (70F/21C).  As in the previous years I enjoyed the variety of costumes and I spotted so many fascinating ideas again.

Here is a selection of the pics I took yesterday. Some were scary, some strange, others funny and sexy. Some had just fun with whatever they were representing.

There were a lot scary figures around of course.

But I also spotted really strange creatures.

Scary or not,  I saw lots of pretty faces as well.

There were angels, witches, delicacies, movie characters and more.

and some ambitious wagons.

The Halloween event seemed to rule the whole town, even the subway stations were full of monsters. And after the parade there were lines before many bars & clubs because people wanted to continue the party. I want to praise the organizers, the police and others who took care that this event was pieceful and fun. The organizers shaped the worm - the huge number of people who walked the 6th Avenue - into segments to avoid overcrowding and dangerous situations which usually accrue when big masses are gathering.

To be continued next year.  

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