Sunday, May 6, 2018

Photography: Fountains Of Rome - Piazza Del Popolo


(Drivebycuriosity) - Rome is famous for her piazzas and fountains. Last Monday my wife & I went to the Piazza del Popolo in the northwest of the Eternal City. The place is really popular. Its architects integrated the place into the landscape and squeezed it between two hills from which you get a marvelous view onto the piazza.


Here a view from a flanking hill.


When you come from the north - the center of the city - you enter via a large portal in classical Roman style.

When you leave to the south - - the center of the city - you will pass two twin churches.

In the center of the place you find a column surrounded by water spewing lions

When you leave to the west - toward the river - you will pass a group who is guarding another fountain.

This statue - on the north end - seems to guard a smartphone advertisement.

This relief is on the east side

I spotted these gargoyles on a roof close to the place.

To be continued

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