Friday, May 11, 2018

Photography: A Visit @ The Colosseum


(Drivebycuriosity) - A vacation in Rome is not complete without visiting the Colosseum. Last Friday  we went to this place, using an admission ticket which we had bought online, which allowed us to avoid the lines. Being an ambitious amateur photographer I used the visit to take a lot of pictures.

I am impressed that the construction still looks massive in spite of its enormous age. The antic amphitheater was completed in AD 80. Later the Popes - and other who ruled Rome - shamelessly used the Roman construction as building material for their cathedrals and other buildings. So we saw a mix of original Roman constructions and more recent reconstructions and repairs.

Anyway, the Colosseum gives still an impression how magnificent the theater once was, it is according to Wikipedia the largest amphitheater ever built (wikipedia).

The walls are still impressive.

Above a closer look.

A glance into the hypogeum (Greek for underground), a subterranean network of tunnels and cages beneath the arena where gladiators and animals were held before contests began.

Some of the tunnels from which visitors and gladiators entered still exists.

Above two of the surviving columns.

 Apparently the other visitors had fun too.

To be continued

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