Saturday, April 30, 2016

Street Art New York: A Documentary - April 2016 Edition

(Drivebycuriosity) - I indulge into street art and whereever I go I take pics of it. There are legions of opportunities in New York City.  Since my latest street art report (March 2016 driveby) I spotted more interesting new murals, stickers & graffiti @ Lower East Side, East Village, Soho and other Manhattan neighborhoods. As usual I document the newest street art in this area.

The large mural on the top was created by the Swiss artists Peter Fischli & David Weiss in the year 1991. It´s called "How to Work Better" and is now presented by the Public Art Fund. On view at Houston and Mott Street  through May 2016.

I found the mural above this paragraph on Orchard Street, the gallery mile of New York`s Lower East Side.

Another impression from Orchard Street.

You can see the mural in Mexican style on the wall of rag & bone at the corner of Elizabeth & Houston. This fashion shop impresses with frequently changing art works

The providers of stickers, stencils and wheatpastes also continued their good work.

To be continued. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

Culture: A Visit @ Los Angeles County Museum Of Art, LACMA


(Drivebycuriosity) - When I visit a city I use to take a look into her art museums. During my recent stay in Los Angeles I went to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, called the LACMA (lacma). The huge place has an impressive spectrum of paintings, sculptures & other art works. Thanks to my limited time budget I could see just a part of the giant show. Here are my favorites, a very subjective selection.

The painting above reminds me of Donald Trump and his followers. It is the "Orator" by Magnus Zeller (ca. 1920, oil on canvas).

                     The Seductive Line

Above some paintings from the temporary exhibition "The Seductive Line: Eroticism in Early Twentieth Century Germany and Austria". From the top: Karl Hofer`s "Zwei Schlafende Mädchen/Two Sleeping Girls" (ca. 1922-25, Pencil on wove paper); "Fünf gelbe Akte am Wasser/Five Yellow Nudes Near Water" by Otto Müller (1921/22, Color lithograph on yellow paper) & "Bathers" by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff (1913, oil on canvas).

Above some expressionistic works: "Apocalyptic Landscape" by Ludwig Meidner (1913, oil on canvas); "Anger" by Hans-Siebert von Heister (1920, oil on canvas); Max Beckman`s "Bar Brown" (1944, oil on canvas) & "Architectonic Painting" by the Russian artist Lyubov Popova (1917, oil on canvas).

Above you can see Victor Brauner`s "Suicide at Dawn" (1930, oil on canvas) followed by "Angel Flights" by Millard Sheets (1931, oil on canvas). Angel Flight was the electric cable railway and free pedestrian  stairway of 123 steps and ten ramps that carried pedestrians in downtown Los Angeles between 1901 and 1969.
John Graham`s "Untitled (Still Life)" (1932, oil on canvas) & Amadeo Modigliani`s "Young Woman of the People" (1918, oil on canvas).

One room refers to the Bay Area Figurative Movement created by a group of artists working in the San Francisco Bay Area (wikipedia). From above: David Park`s "Two Women" (1957, oil on canvas) & Richard Diebenkorn`s "Freeway and Aqueduct" (1957, oil on canvas).

                                 Cold Shoulder

You can find there some nice pieces of contemporary art as well. From above: "Sky Backdrop" by Alex Israel (2014-15, acrylic on canvas); "Towards Disappearance" by Sam Francis (1957, oil on canvas) "1955-H" by Clifford Styll (1955, oil on canvas); "The Ballantine" by Franz Kline (1958-60, oil on canvas) & Roy Liechtenstein`s "Cold Shoulder" (1963, oil and magna on canvas).


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Contemporary Art: A Visit @ MoCA, Los Angeles

(Drivebycuriosity) - Do you like contemporary art? If you are in Los Angeles you might visit the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) in downtonw LA ( . The institution - which is on 2 seperate locaytions - has a nice collection. I show here my favorites from this visit.

The couple above is looking at Mathew Barnew`s "Cremaster 4" works (C-print in self-lubricating plastic frame). The prints belongs to his "The Cremaster Cycle",  a series of five feature-length films, together with related sculptures, photographs, drawings, and artist's books (wikipedia).

Above you can see an abstract by Robert Motherwell, which is part his "lyric suite" series.

Above "Northview" by Lisa Yuskavage (2000, oil on linen).

                        Roads To Infinity?

The painting above looks like roads to infinity. It`s created by Mark Grotjahn and called "Untitled (three-tiered perspective)" (1997, oil on linen on board).

One room belongs to Mark Rothko alone. Above "No. 301. Reds and Violet over Red/Red and Blue over Red" (1959, oil on canvas) & "Purple Brown" (1957, oil on canvas) and a detail.  Gorgeous!

I really like the elegant doodles by Cy Twombly: "Untitled" (1967, oil and crayon on canvas).

Franz Kline`s "Buttress" (1956, oil on canvas) looks stylish as well.

Jackson Pollok`s "Number 1, 1949" (1949, enamel and metallic paint on canvas) is a classic.

                      Stuffed Bird Wing

Robert Rauschenberg: "Painting with Grey Wing" (1959, Oil, printed reproductions, paint-by-number-board, typed print on paper, photographs, fabric, stuffed bird wing, and dime on canvas).

James Rosenquist: "White Cigarette" (1961, oil on canvas).

Manny Faber: "Honeymoon Killers" (1980, oil on board) and details of it.

The museum has a dependance in former police car warehouse in L.A.'s Little Tokyo Historic District, called The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA (geffen-contemporary). It looks like that they show there more experimental works. Currently the display:  "Don’t Look Back: The 1990s at MOCA" (through July 11, 2016). Below you can see Russell Crotty´s "Hale-Bopp After Perihelion" (1997, India ink on paper pinned to canvas) & Toba Khedoori`s "Untitled (Seats)" (1996, oil and wax on paper) & Sue Williams`"The Art World Can Suck My Proverbial Dick" (1992, Acrylic and enamel on canvas).

Let the images speak for themselves.
