Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Contemporary Art: Roxy Paine - Denuded Lens @ Marianne Boesky Gallery New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - If you live in New York City - or if you visit the metropolis - you can see a lot of exciting exhibitions of contemporary art. Now you can explore an especially interesting art show: "Denuded Lens" by Roxy Paine @ Marianne Boesky Gallery ( 509 West 24th Street, New York through October 18, 2014 marianneboesky).

                              Liebe zum Detail

The artist used wood, metal and other material to replicate objects of daily life. I admire that Paine shaped his sculptures very delicately and detailed. His work shows "Liebe zum Detail", as we Germans say (loving the detail). And in my eyes the wooden copies are really funny. My favorites of the show are the wooden replicas of a pinball machine, a smartphone and a video camera but the others objects are also worth seeing.

The crown of the show is an installation called "Checkpoint". This is a room-sized vision of a generic airport security stop (as you can see above).


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