Saturday, June 13, 2015

Contemporary Art: Jesse Willenbring @ Gallery Laurel Gitlen, New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Do you like abstract paintings? Then you might enjoy an exhibition @ gallery Laurel Gitlen, one of the more than 130 art dealers in New York`s Lower East Side (122 Norfolk Street laurelgitlen). They are showing paintings by Jesse Willenbring (through June 14, 2015 laurelgitlen). The show is called "Landline", maybe a reminiscence to the days, when people used to have telephone calls.

I enjoy his generous play with colors, media & shapes. But let the pictures speak for themselves.

On top of this post you can see "Punx luck" (2015, acrylic, flashe, charcoal, pastel, enamel, oil, paper, pencil on canvas)

               Plans to Build A Mountain

Above this paragraph follow: "Table, Mirror, Shape, Repeat" (2015, acrylic, fabric dye, flashe, paper, carcoal, pastel, enamel, oil on canvas);
"Picnic" (2015, acrylic, flashe, charcoal, pastel enael, oil on canvas);
"Plans to Build a Mountain" ( (2015, acrylic, fabric dye, flashe, carcoal, enamel, oil on canvas).


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