Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Contemporary Art: Psychological Investigation @ Christine Park Gallery New York


(Drivebycuriosity) - Contemporary art is full of surprises. There are so many discoveries to be made. Yesterday I passed Christine Park Gallery on New York´s Bowery, a branch of an art dealer in London (christinepark). There is a small room with just 4 paintings, but these works caught my eyes. They are created by the Korean artist Sangyoon Yoon. The gallery calls the show "These Foolish Things" (through June 11 2017).

According to the press release the artist "explores the relationship between the conscious and the unconscious". His paintings "are a psychological investigation into the structure of the mind, containing elements that represent or allude to the id, the ego and the superego".

I love these paintings. I like the composition, which reminds me a bit of Neo Rauch, and I admire the technique. Yoon implements economic brush strokes to create wonderful scenes.

                      Economic Brush Strokes


The curators explain "The watery lower level of Yoon’s paintings plays the role of the id. Below the placid, shimmering surface lies the depths of the unconscious mind, mirroring and yet separated from the conscious world above it".


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